Who is Brats Models and what do you do?
Our team acts as a liaison between the client and the child model or ‘talent’. In a typical scenario, the client will provide us with specific requirements. We then submit a selection of talent for the client to choose from.
Once the client has made their decision, we arrange for the model’s attendance on location and give the parent or carer specific information related to the job – for example, details on what to wear, hair and make-up, script etc.
How do I know you’re a reputable agency?
Can I ring the agency to check on how things are going?
Who are your clients?
Our child models have appeared in television shows including Home & Away, All Saints, Always Greener and Temptation and on commercials for McDonalds, Huggies, Toyota, Greens Peanut Butter, LG, the Sydney Morning Herald and the Daily Telegraph.
Some of our regular catalogue clients include Myer, David Jones, Target, Best & Less, Osh Kosh, Eeni Meeni Miini Mooh, Bright Bots, Puma and magazines including Practical Parenting, Your Family, Your Toddler and Studio Bambini.
What’s your advice for selecting a good agency?
How many children are on your books?
Ideally, we aim to have around 200 children on our books in each state office at any time. We strive to keep a balanced mix of talent which helps us supply our clients with a diverse range of looks, skills, age and ethnic backgrounds.
What ages do you represent?
What type of work can my child look forward to?
Is my child guaranteed work?
Do you accept everyone who applies?
How do I join?
How much does it cost to join Brats Models?
- Photographs taken by a professional photographer.
- Registration of your child’s details on an Internet casting facility.
- 10 high resolution images of your professional photoshoot.
- Administration expenses.
If I am not happy, can I get a refund?
How does my child get paid and what commission do you charge?
How will you promote my child?
This Facility is a secure password-protected photo library that our clients use to search for the right child. It was developed by an independent company and has strict security protocols. No-one other than our clients has access to this facility. Approved clients can access it free of charge.
How do children get work?
Children who match these requirements will be submitted by us for the client’s consideration. The client then invites their choices to a casting (or audition) where they speak to each child and perhaps have a test run in front of the camera.
Sometimes jobs and castings are arranged at short notice – perhaps on the same or following day. Most jobs are scheduled during normal work hours so you have to be clear about this and – within reason – committed to attending at short notice. Generally, castings are after school.
Can my child be a member of more than one agency?

Do you think your child has the right look for our agency?